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About Patronite.pl


Patronite is a relationship building platform that helps gifted individuals obtain subscription based funding and grow meaningful relationships.

For creative, talented individuals.

Patronite fills the gap between Spotify and Facebook acknowledging the fact that there is a shift in music listening behaviour towards formats that do not generate income. For artists it’s a way to make a living from music, paintings, online videos or art and stay independent. For the patrons it’s a way to gain access to exclusive content like a pre-release video clip, exclusive tickets or a face to face meeting with your favourite artist. It’s not just about donation, it’s about building subscription based financial relationship.

For scientists, athletes and activists.

Are you a researcher planning to solve the worlds problems? Or maybe an activist fighting for an important cause? Are you planning to focus on your sport’s career and the lack of the sustainable income is standing in your way? By using Patronite, gifted and passionate individuals collect funds and make their dreams possible. For patrons it’s a way to engage and support people they love and be up to date with their latest achievements.

For good enterprises.

Enterprises embracing more sustainable approach to business take into account the environmental and social impact of their activities. Patronite provides a simple and transparent way for corporate social responsibility programs to engage with their consumers and communities e.g. company’s CSR founding can be combined with the crowdfunding campaign amplifying the financial impact and can be distributed among people’s favorite artists

Recurring payments, please.

Patronite is a people funding portal, it uses the existing crowdfunding and e-commerce business models. The difference is that we encourage recurring monthly payments and we understand that in order to obtain sustainable founding for talented people we need to attract individuals and big businesses.