O gotującym robocie, roślinach na Księżycu, pasożytach w oku i głośnych wybuchach - #018

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W osiemnastym odcinku opowiadam o hodowli roślin na Księżycu, pasożycie w oczach, gotowaniu przez robota i atlasie ludzkich komórek.

A jeśli uznasz, że warto wspierać ten projekt to zachęcam do wsparcia, każda dobrowolna wpłata od słuchaczy pozwoli mi na rozwój i doskonalenie tego podkastu, bardzo dziękuję za każde wsparcie!

Zapraszam również na Facebooka, Twittera i Instagrama, każdy lajk i udostępnienie pomoże w szerszym dotarciu do słuchaczy, a to jest teraz moim głównym celem :)

Źródła użyte przy tworzeniu odcinka:

Paul, AL., Elardo, S.M. & Ferl, R. Plants grown in Apollo lunar regolith present stress-associated transcriptomes that inform prospects for lunar exploration. Commun Biol 5, 382 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-03334-8

George Dvorsky, "Plants Can Grow in Lunar Soil—but They Hate It", https://gizmodo.com/plants-grown-lunar-soil-1848916653

Lisia B. Ferreira,João M. Furtado,Jason Charng,Maria Franchina,Janet M. Matthews,Aus A.L. Molan,Michael Hunter,David A. Mackey,Justine R. Smith, "Lisia B. Ferreira,João M. Furtado,Jason Charng,Maria Franchina,Janet M. Matthews,Aus A.L. Molan,Michael Hunter,David A. Mackey,Justine R. Smith", https://www.ophthalmologyretina.org/article/S2468-6530(22)00215-9/fulltext

Justine R. Smith, João M. Furtado, "One in three people are infected with Toxoplasma parasite – and the clue could be in our eyes", https://theconversation.com/one-in-three-people-are-infected-with-toxoplasma-parasite-and-the-clue-could-be-in-our-eyes-182418

Carly Cassella, "Scientists Have Revived a Glimmer of Activity in Human Eyes After Death", https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-seen-a-twinkle-of-life-in-human-donor-eyes-after-death

Maddy Shaw Roberts, "The loudest recorded sound in history literally sent shockwaves around the world", https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/loudest-recorded-sound-krakatoa-volcano/

Nicoletta Lanese, "Scientists finally have proof of mysterious immune cell in humans", https://www.livescience.com/newfound-prenatal-immune-cells

Megan Molteni, "Publication of the ‘Google Maps’ of human cells is a milestone. A pioneer of the project explains why", https://www.statnews.com/2022/05/12/human-cell-atlas-pioneer-steven-quake/

Grzegorz Sochacki, Arsen Abdulali, Fumiya Iida, ‘Mastication-Enhanced Taste-Based Classification of Multi-Ingredient Dishes for Robotic Cooking.’ Frontiers in Robotics & AI (2022), https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/taste-of-the-future-robot-chef-learns-to-taste-as-you-go

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