Podaruj znajomemu subskrypcję Autora Monika Starzyńska w formie kuponu podarunkowego.
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I'm Monika, I've been blacksmithing and knifemaking for about 5 years. I'm works in a small building near Warsaw. I do most of the work by hand. I deals with all stages of forging tools such as knives and axes.
In my free time, I pursue my hobbies, which are photography and off-road.
It started with me finishing police school, but I wasn't sure if it was for me. I decided to look for other options.
A novice blacksmith whom I met in the same school stood in my way. I fell in love with him and this job. I learned everything by trial and error. I failed many times. I often doubted then if it was for me but after a few months when I started to understand the methodology and processes of creating individual tools, it started to come out. When it started, more and more new project ideas were born in my head.
Working outside the city means that I can devote unlimited time to it. I love spending it at the anvil and grinder.
This is another reason that will allow me to make a living from making tools (knives / axes).
This is not a popular profession in Poland and there are not many people making this type of tools, especially women.
I dream about expanding the forge because I work in a small building in one room and a hammer that will facilitate the processes that I had to do manually until now.
I know that there are a lot of people who like my work and use my tools, if you would like to support me 10 or 20 so that I can sleep peacefully and create new projects, I will be grateful!
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