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Brit in Poland

10 zł 95 zł
miesięcznie łącznie

Progi wsparcia

5 zł miesięcznie
Thank you for your contribution! This amount will help to feed me in Zabka hotdogs! Or pay for that all required tram fare...perhaps go towards an entrance fee for a museum or exhibit in one of Poland's many fine cities :)

All Patron's will be added to thank you slide I will embed into my video's!
10 zł miesięcznie
Really appreciated! Now this will really start to help me share some more exhibits, see more Polish movies or even...allow me to upgrade to an XL Hotdog from Zabka :D

All Patron's will be added to a slide embedded into new videos being made, I will give you access to some extra blogs and welcome any questions or comments you may have!
25 zł miesięcznie
Wybierz 25 zł
50 dostępnych miejsc
Woah...are you sure you want to help me this much?! Amazed and awestricken thanks to you! This will really help with running costs, helping to get better equipment, eating fancy Pierogi or dare I say it...a very fine Kotlet! Train fares and hotel costs may also benefit here...

All patrons will be added to a thank you slide, have access to some behind the scenes pictures that may have not made it to videos and will be thought of greatly by me! At this threshold you may request me to cover certain topics in my videos for anything you have been wanting to know about Poland (please keep your requests specific to the realm of my channel!...and keep them clean, I have family who watch!)
50 zł miesięcznie
Wybierz 50 zł
20 dostępnych miejsc
I dare not ask for more than this...any contributors at this level can be assured they will give me a small heart attack in excitement! This will be game changing for me in terms of my ability to travel, help to fund my Polish lessons and really grow my ability to make good quality films!

As well as the mention of thanks on my videos, you will have access to my behind the scenes writings and images, may suggest me a topic to cover a video on...and if you really want, can have an interview on my channel (assuming you live in Warsaw or happen to be easy for me to get to!)

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O autorze

Dzien dobry!
As one of many Brits I have chosen to find a new country to call my home, moving to Poland has been a life changing decision and one which has brought much happiness, adventure and excitement!
My channel is here to share my experiences and teach people about the country of Poland


My name is Richard and I am a Brit in Poland!



At this point I have lived in Poland for 4 years, have made a lot of friends in this country and been exploring the various cities and natural wonders that are to be found in this huge and historically fascinating part of the world

One hobby I took up to fight the isolation of Covid restrictions was to start documenting about life in Poland, my channel covers areas such as Polish cities, Polish History, Polish Culture and tradition. I also try to give some insights into living abroad along with the challenges that this may include, over time I want to create a one stop shop for people who wish to know more about Poland, want to move here or simply fancy a visit to this wonderful country


  • 600 zł miesięcznie
  • 590 zł brakuje
This amount will really allow me to spend longer in the cities I want to visit, help with transport, accommodation and entry costs for museums and sites!
It will go a long way in showing me that my services are valued and that my channel is making a difference for people :)

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Zostań Patronem

Najnowsi Patroni

Dr Doof
Dr Doof
10 zł
Dominika Zielińska
Dominika Zielińska
5 zł

Chcielibyśmy Cię poinformować o ryzykach, związanych z Twoim zaangażowaniem finansowym. Przekazując środki na realizację pasji Twojego ulubionego Twórcy prosimy, abyś wziął/wzięła pod uwagę kilka kwestii.